Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jim Breard’s Cherry Pie


½ cup dried cherries
¼ cup of good brandy (approximately)

2 cans of Lucky Leaf or GV (WalMart) Cherry Pie Filling
1 Package of Pillsbury or GV rolled pie crust (contains 2 9-inch crusts) refrigerated
1 good dollop of regular honey, about 2 Tablespoons
One egg for eggwash
Small amounts of butter or margarine, granulated sugar, and cornmeal as described.

In a small jar, put the dried cherries and brandy and refrigerate overnight or longer. Usually you should check the cherries for any small pieces of stem left on them by pouring them on a paper towel before pouring them into the jar. Cover the cherries with brandy. (Use Napoleon Brandy or other good quality brandy, or any other good quality liquor such as B&B could be used.)

When you are ready to bake the pie, remove the pie crusts from the refrigerator and allow them to come to room temperature open on the counter per the package directions (approx 30 minutes).
Pour the cherry pie filling into a large mixing bowl. Add the honey, and macerated cherries and brandy into the mixing bowl and blend the mixture together well.

Butter (or margarine) a 9-inch pyrex pie baking dish. Sprinkle lightly with dry cornmeal and tap it sharply to remove any excess cornmeal. Unroll the pie crust per the package directions and place the dough for the bottom into the pie dish, forming it over the edge. Crack the egg into a cup or small bowl and mix it thoroughly for an eggwash. Brush the sealing edge of the pie crust with the eggwash. Fill the pie with the filling. (Do not overfill or you’ll have to clean up your oven. Put any left over excess filling into a small pyrex bowl and bake with the pie. Goes good over toast, ice cream or pound cake.) Put on the topcrust and seal the edges using a fork. Trim the edges. Brush the top surface with eggwash. Sprinkle the top with sugar. Ventilate the topcrust with a knifepoint in several places. Cover the edges with a lightly-buttered pie crust shield (or you can use one cut from aluminum foil if you want to). Bake for approximately 45-minutes in a 425-degree preheated oven, or until the crust is golden brown. Remove the piecrust shield about 10 minutes before the baking is finished.
Remove from the oven and let the pie cool to room temperature. Enjoy.

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